Camera | Class representing a simple perspective camera |
Checker | Checkerboard material |
Color | Class representing an RGB color value |
Diffuse | Simple diffuse (Lambertian) material |
Dummy | This class represents a dummy node that contains just a transform matrix and no other data |
Image | Class representing the frame buffer, an image of size width x height pixels |
Intersectable | Interface that needs to be implemented by all intersectable primitives |
Intersection | Class representing a ray/object intersection point |
Light | Base class for classes representing light sources (PointLight) |
LightProbe | Class representing a light probe (environment map) |
Material | Base class for classes representing materials (Diffuse, Phong, Checker) |
Matrix | Class representing a 4x4 transformation matrix |
Mesh | Class representing a triangle mesh |
Mesh::vertex | Internal class representing the vertex indices |
Node | Base class for scene hierarchy nodes (cameras, lights, primitives, etc) |
PathTracer | Class implementing a simple pathtracer |
Phong | Class representing a simple phong material |
Plane | Class representing a simple rectangular plane |
Point | Class representing a 3D point |
PointLight | Simple point light source |
Primitive | Base class for classes representing geometry (Mesh, Sphere, Plane) |
Ray | Class representing a ray in 3D space |
Raytracer | Base class for raytracers, containinng basic functionality needed by the sub classes |
Scene | Class representing all scene data |
Sphere | Class representing a sphere |
Triangle | Class representing a single triangle |
UV | Class representing a texture coordinate (u,v) pair |
Vector | Class representing a 3D vector |
WhittedTracer | Class implementing a simple Whitted-style raytracer |