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Scene Class Reference

Class representing all scene data. More...

#include <scene.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Scene ()
 Initializes an empty scene.
 ~Scene ()
 Destroys the scene and all its nodes.
void add (Node *node, Node *parent=0)
 Adds a node to the scene hierarchy.
void prepare ()
 Prepare scene for raytracing.
void setBackground (const Color &c)
 Sets the background color to c.
void setBackground (LightProbe *lp)
 Sets the current light probe to use for the background to lp.
Color getBackground (const Vector &d) const
 Returns the background color in direction d.
bool intersect (const Ray &ray) const
 Returns true if the given ray intersects the scene.
bool intersect (const Ray &ray, Intersection &isect) const
 Returns true if the given ray intersects the scene.
int getNumberOfCameras () const
 Returns the number of cameras in the scene.
CameragetCamera (int i) const
 Returns a pointer to camera number i (starting at 0).
int getNumberOfLights () const
 Returns the number of lights (PointLight) in the scene.
PointLightgetLight (int i) const
 Returns a pointer to light number i (starting at 0).

Detailed Description

Class representing all scene data.

This class provides a simple interface for accessing the scene's objects and performing intersection tests.

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Generated on Tue Mar 14 09:46:42 2006 for ASR by  doxygen 1.4.4