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asr Namespace Reference

The asr namespace contains all code related to the raytracer. More...


class  Camera
 Class representing a simple perspective camera. More...
class  Checker
 Checkerboard material. More...
class  Color
 Class representing an RGB color value. More...
class  Diffuse
 Simple diffuse (Lambertian) material. More...
class  Dummy
 This class represents a dummy node that contains just a transform matrix and no other data. More...
class  Image
 Class representing the frame buffer, an image of size width x height pixels. More...
class  Intersectable
 Interface that needs to be implemented by all intersectable primitives. More...
class  Intersection
 Class representing a ray/object intersection point. More...
class  Light
 Base class for classes representing light sources (PointLight). More...
class  LightProbe
 Class representing a light probe (environment map). More...
class  Material
 Base class for classes representing materials (Diffuse, Phong, Checker). More...
class  Matrix
 Class representing a 4x4 transformation matrix. More...
class  Vector
 Class representing a 3D vector. More...
class  Point
 Class representing a 3D point. More...
class  UV
 Class representing a texture coordinate (u,v) pair. More...
class  Mesh
 Class representing a triangle mesh. More...
class  Node
 Base class for scene hierarchy nodes (cameras, lights, primitives, etc). More...
class  PathTracer
 Class implementing a simple pathtracer. More...
class  Phong
 Class representing a simple phong material. More...
class  Plane
 Class representing a simple rectangular plane. More...
class  PointLight
 Simple point light source. More...
class  Primitive
 Base class for classes representing geometry (Mesh, Sphere, Plane). More...
class  Ray
 Class representing a ray in 3D space. More...
class  Raytracer
 Base class for raytracers, containinng basic functionality needed by the sub classes. More...
class  Scene
 Class representing all scene data. More...
class  Sphere
 Class representing a sphere. More...
class  Triangle
 Class representing a single triangle. More...
class  WhittedTracer
 Class implementing a simple Whitted-style raytracer. More...


Color operator * (float s, const Color &c)
 Component-wise multiplication with scalar (mixed-mode).
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Color &c)
 Write color values to an output stream in text format.
static float uniform ()
 Returns a uniform random number in the range [0,1).
static std::string int2str (int i)
 Helper function for converting an int to a string.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Matrix &A)
 Write matrix elements to an output stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vector &A)
 Write elements to an output stream.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Point &A)
 Write elements to an output stream.


static float INF = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()
 Define positive infinity for floats.
static const float epsilon = 1e-6
 Small value.
static Diffuse DEFAULT_MATERIAL = Diffuse(Color(0.7f,0.7f,0.7f))
 Default material is a gray diffuse material.
const char EXR_OUTPUT_COMMENT [] = "ASR Raytracer"
 This string is stored as a comment in exr files written by this class.
static const float RUSSIAN_ROULETTE = 0.75f
 A path is terminated if a uniform random number in [0,1] falls above the threshold.
static const int NUMBER_SAMPLES = 100
 Number of samples per pixel.
const float overlap = 1e-3
 Triangle overlap distance to avoid problems at edges.

Detailed Description

The asr namespace contains all code related to the raytracer.
Generated on Tue Mar 14 09:46:35 2006 for ASR by  doxygen 1.4.4