Cartesian control Tutorial: The Hula-Hoop motion

NAOqi Motion - Overview | API | Tutorial


This tutorial explains how to use Cartesian control API to make the robot perform a Hula-Hoop motion (Torso control in position and in rotation).


The tutorial is written in Python.


You can download the Hula Hoop example here:

Please refer to the section: Python SDK Install Guide for any troubleshooting linked to python.

Code review

In this section we describe each important piece of code of the example.

NAOqi tools

First, we import some external libraries:
  • argparse: toolbox useful to define parameter
  • motion: some useful definitions such as FRAME.
  • almath: an optimized mathematic toolbox for robotics. For further details, see: libalmath API reference.
  • ALProxy: create proxy to motion and robotposture modules

Then, the proxy to ALMotion module is created. This proxy is useful to call ALMotion API.

'''Motion: Hula Hoop'''

import argparse
import motion
import almath
from naoqi import ALProxy

def main(robotIP, PORT=9559):
         Example showing a Hula Hoop Motion
         with the NAO cartesian control of torso

    motionProxy  = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
    postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)

Initialization of the robot

When doing Cartesian control, it is important to be sure that the robot is in a good configuration. To have the maximum range of control, the maximum stability and far away of singularity.
A PoseInit is a good posture before a Cartesian control of the robot Torso.
    # Wake up robot

    # Send robot to Stand Init
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)

Control point

Here, we specify that we want to control the Torso (see Effectors) in the FRAME_ROBOT (see Frames) and that we want to control all the motion with a AXIS_MASK_ALL (see Axis Masks).
We also specify that the torso path is defined in absolute.
    effector        = "Torso"
    frame           =  motion.FRAME_ROBOT
    axisMask        = almath.AXIS_MASK_ALL
    isAbsolute      = True
    useSensorValues = False

    currentTf = almath.Transform(motionProxy.getTransform(effector, frame, useSensorValues))

Hula hoop motion

We define the hula hoop motion with four checkPoints:
  • forward / bend backward
  • right / bend left
  • backward / bend forward
  • left / bend right

We define two loops of hula hoop. You can accelerate the motion by playing with the timeOneMove variable.

    # Define the changes relative to the current position
    dx         = 0.03                    # translation axis X (meter)
    dy         = 0.03                    # translation axis Y (meter)
    dwx        = 8.0*almath.TO_RAD       # rotation axis X (rad)
    dwy        = 8.0*almath.TO_RAD       # rotation axis Y (rad)

    # point 01 : forward  / bend backward
    target1Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
    target1Tf *= almath.Transform(dx, 0.0, 0.0)
    target1Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotY(-dwy)

    # point 02 : right    / bend left
    target2Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
    target2Tf *= almath.Transform(0.0, -dy, 0.0)
    target2Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotX(-dwx)

    # point 03 : backward / bend forward
    target3Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
    target3Tf *= almath.Transform(-dx, 0.0, 0.0)
    target3Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotY(dwy)

    # point 04 : left     / bend right
    target4Tf = almath.Transform(currentTf.r1_c4, currentTf.r2_c4, currentTf.r3_c4)
    target4Tf *= almath.Transform(0.0, dy, 0.0)
    target4Tf *= almath.Transform().fromRotX(dwx)

    path = []



    timeOneMove  = 0.5 #seconds
    times = []
    for i in range(len(path)):

Call the Cartesian control API

    # call the cartesian control API

    motionProxy.transformInterpolations(effector, frame, path, axisMask, times)

    # Go to rest position