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EDA240/DATN08 Configuration Management - course programme 2008

People and information


  • Compendium put together from various books and papers.

Course extent

  • 14 lectures in lecture hall E:1406 (Mondays) and E:C (Thursdays)
  • 6 exercises in room E:2116
  • 5 computer labs (obligatory) in lab Varg
  • a mini project (obligatory)
  • Examination (in the period 15-19/12) - times and places will be given later

Planned schedule - preliminary

  • Week 1: Introduction, motivation and overview (27-31/10)
    • Lecture (Monday: 15-17): Introduction and motivation in lecture hall E:1406
    • Exercises (Tuesday: 10-12 or 13-15): Teambuilding and introduction in room E:2116
    • Lecture (Thursday: 13-15): Overview in lecture hall E:C
    • No computer lab first week.
  • Week 2: Construction site (3-7/11)
  • Week 3: The study (10-14/11)
    • Lecture (Monday: 15-17): The study metaphor in lecture hall E:1406
    • Exercises (Tuesday: 10-12 or 13-15): The study workshop in room E:2116
    • Lecture (Thursday: 13-15): Workspace in-depth in lecture hall E:C
    • Computer lab (Friday: 8-10 or 10-12): CVS-lab II in Varg
  • Week 4: The library (17-21/11)
    • Lecture (Monday: 15-17): The library metaphor in lecture hall E:1406
    • Exercises (Tuesday: 10-12 or 13-15): The library workshop in room E:2116
    • Lecture (Thursday: 13-15): Repository in-depth in lecture hall E:C
    • Computer lab (Friday: 8-10 or 10-12): Perforce-lab I in Varg
  • Week 5: Traditional CM (24-28/11)
  • Week 6: SCM and more (1-5/12)
  • Week 7: Wrap up (8-12/12)
    • Lecture (Monday: 15-17): Summary lecture and Question hour in lecture hall E:1406
    • No exercises last week - groups could meet to work on their mini project.
    • Lecture (Thursday: 13-15): Invited guest lecture in lecture hall E:C (and deadline for the mini project)
    • No lab last week - groups could meet to prepare for the exam.
  • Week 8: Audit (15-19/12)


Group presentations:

Computer labs

Computer labs are carried out in small groups of 2-3 people (the exercises groups - split into two in case they are in 4). Material for the computer labs will be copied and handed out.


Prerequisites for examination: Passed all computer labs and done the mini project.

Examination is oral and carried out in groups. Grades of 3, 4 or 5 (or G, VG if you are a Faculty of Science student) are assigned based on individual performance for passed examinations. To register for the examination (and re-examinations) you have to contact the lecturer: Lars Bendix.

Updated December 2, 2008