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Lab exercises week 3:

  • Time: Friday 14/11, 8.15-10.00 or 10.15-12.00 (depending on which group you are in).
  • Place: Computer lab "Varg" in the basement of the E-building.
  • Note: if you have already finished the CVS labs, you may want to look into Subversion and compare it with your experience from CVS.
This week we explore the support CVS gives for creating baselines and releases and for handling branches. In particular we will create a branch to maintain a release that we make at the beginning of this lab.

Then we go on to investigate the different possibilities that CVS gives to enhance awareness within a group of developers. Finally, we will play around with tkCVS to see if and where a graphical interface is an improvement over command-based CVS.

This was the final lab on CVS. Next week we will move on to Perforce and see how that tool handles similar situations.

Updated November 12, 2008