CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Lab exercises week 4:

  • Time: Friday 21/11, 8.15-10.00 or 10.15-12.00 (depending on which group you are in).
  • Place: Computer lab "Varg" in the basement of the E-building.

This week - and the coming - you will "play around" with Perforce. For some things it is quite similar to CVS - for other things it is more or less different. You should go through the same scenarios as you did for the CVS labs to discover the similarities and differences (so don't forget to bring also your CVS lab description and notes).

You have two lab sessions to get through the scenarios and at the end you have to write a 1-2 page document that you email to the lecturer (for more details, see the lab instructions).

Updated November 19, 2008