Step | Action |
Make sure you have logged on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges. | |
Retrieve the following file: choregraphe-suite-x.x-win32-setup.exe You can find it on the DVD in Software > Software Suite > Choregraphe
or download the latest release from the Aldebaran Robotics’ User or Developer site.
Double-click the file to start the installation. Additionally to Choregraphe, if it is not yet installed on your computer, the wizard may suggest to install Bonjour, a tool conceived by Apple. |
Accept all and follow the wizard steps. |
Step | Action |
Make sure you have logged on as root or use sudo. | |
Retrieve the following file: choregraphe-suite-x.x-linux32.tar.gz You can find it on the DVD in Software > Choregraphe
or download the latest release from the Aldebaran Robotics’ User or Developer site.
Extract the archive. |
Step | Action |
Make sure you have logged on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges. | |
Retrieve the following file: choregraphe-suite-x.x-mac64.dmg You can find it on the DVD in Software > Choregraphe
or download the latest release from the Aldebaran Robotics’ User or Developer site.
Open the file. | |
Drag and drop the Choregraphe and Monitor applications into the Applications directory. |
To launch Choregraphe, NAOqi and Monitor, use the scripts at the root of the archive.
The first time you start Choregraphe, you will be prompted to enter the license key.
This is a floating license, only one instance may run at a time.