Animation Mode

What is the Animation Mode

The Animation Mode allows you to create movements easily, in conjunction with the Timeline Editor. In this mode, the robot behaves like a puppet that you can manipulate, letting you record its posture in a Timeline.

In this mode, tactile commands help you manipulate the robot.
For further details, see: Stiffness-control tactile commands.

Getting started with the Animation Mode

no-virtual Cannot be used on a virtual robot.

Starting an animation

To start an animation using Animation Mode:

Step Action
Make sure Choregraphe is connected to a real robot.

Create a Timeline box.

For further details, see: How to create a Timeline box.

Double-click the box in order to display the Timeline.
Click the stiffen-button Wake up button in the toolbar.

Click the animation-mode-green Animation Mode button.

The button turns red: animation-mode-red, meaning the Animation Mode is on.

Hold your robot by the waist or the torso to prevent it from falling down.

Defining and storing postures

To define and store postures, repeat the following steps for each posture:

Step Action
Use Stiffness-control tactile commands to manipulate its limbs one by one in order to make the robot take the posture you want to store.

Tap the head tactile sensors with your hand:

The current posture is stored at the Insertion point of the Timeline which then moves automatically forward.

Exiting Animation Mode

To exit the Animation Mode:

Step Action
  • Click the animation-mode-red Animation Mode button, or
  • Lay you hand on the 3 Head tactile sensors for 3 seconds.

The button turns green: animation-mode-green, meaning the Animation Mode is off.

Note: if Choregraphe is disconnected from your robot, the Animation Mode is automatically stopped .

Stiffness-control tactile commands

You can use tactile commands to manage the stiffness:

Limb Stiffness control
Head Touch the middle head tactile sensor to toggle the stiffness.

Keep touching hand tactile sensors to maintain stiffness off.

Note: if your robot does not have such sensors, touch the back and front head tactile sensors to toggle the stiffness of each arm.

Legs Press the foot bumpers to toggle the stiffness.

Visual feedback

A visual feedback let you know which limb is currently stiffened or not:

  • Yellow means that the Stiffness is On,
  • Green means that the Stiffness is Off.
Limb Visual Feed-back location
Head Upper Eye LEDs.
Arms All Eye LEDs (except upper).
Legs Foot LEDs.
Example of visual information for head and arms
Visual information Stiffened parts Visual information Stiffened parts
../../_images/head_both_arms.png Head and both arms ../../_images/nothing.png Nothing
../../_images/head.png Head ../../_images/head_right_arm.png Head and right arm
../../_images/left_arm.png Left arm ../../_images/right_arm.png Right arm