Collision detection

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This example shows the effect of collision detection on NAO’s arms. Without collision detection, NAO bumps its arm on its head and torso, and with it, NAO avoids collision.

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''' Collision detection : arm collision detection '''

import argparse
import almath
import time
from naoqi import ALProxy

def moveArm(motionProxy, pTarget, pRobotName, pChainName):
    ''' Function to make NAO bump on his Torso or Head with his arm '''

    # Set the fraction of max speed for the arm movement.
    pMaxSpeedFraction = 0.5

    # Define the final position.
    if pTarget == "Torso":
        ShoulderPitchAngle = 50
    elif pTarget == "Head":
        ShoulderPitchAngle = -50
        print "ERROR: target is unknown"
        print "Must be Torso or Head"
        print "---------------------"

    ShoulderRollAngle  = 6
    ElbowYawAngle      = 0
    ElbowRollAngle     = -150

    if pChainName == "LArm":
        pTargetAngles = [ShoulderPitchAngle, +ShoulderRollAngle,
            +ElbowYawAngle, +ElbowRollAngle]
    elif pChainName == "RArm":
        pTargetAngles = [ShoulderPitchAngle, -ShoulderRollAngle,
            -ElbowYawAngle, -ElbowRollAngle]
        print "ERROR: chainName is unknown"
        print "Must be LArm or RArm"
        print "---------------------"

    # Set the target angles according to the robot version.
    if pRobotName == "naoH25" or\
       pRobotName == "naoAcademics" or\
       pRobotName == "naoT14":
        pTargetAngles += [0.0, 0.0]
    elif pRobotName == "naoH21":
    elif pRobotName == "naoT2":
        pTargetAngles = []
        print "ERROR: Your robot is unknown"
        print "This test is not available for your Robot"
        print "---------------------"

    # Convert to radians.
    pTargetAngles = [x * almath.TO_RAD for x in pTargetAngles]

    # Move the arm to the final position.
        pChainName, pTargetAngles, pMaxSpeedFraction)

def main(robotIP, pChainName, PORT=9559):
    ''' Example showing the effect of collision detection
        Nao bumps his chest with his left arm with collision detection enabled
        or disabled.

    # Initialization #

    motionProxy  = ALProxy("ALMotion", robotIP, PORT)
    postureProxy = ALProxy("ALRobotPosture", robotIP, PORT)

    # Wake up robot

    # Send robot to Stand Init
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 0.5)

    # Get the robot configuration.
    robotConfig = motionProxy.getRobotConfig()
    robotName = ""
    for i in range(len(robotConfig[0])):
        if (robotConfig[0][i] == "Model Type"):
            robotName = robotConfig[1][i]

    # Arm motion bumping on torso #

    # Disable collision detection on chainName.
    pEnable = False
    success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable)
    if (not success):
        print("Failed to disable collision protection")

    # Make NAO's arm move so that it bumps its torso.
    pTargetName = "Torso"
    moveArm(motionProxy, pTargetName, robotName, pChainName)

    # Go back to pose init.
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 1.0)

    # Enable collision detection on chainName.
    pEnable = True
    success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable)
    if (not success):
        print("Failed to enable collision protection")

    # Make NAO's arm move and see that it does not bump on the torso.
    pTargetName = "Torso"
    moveArm(motionProxy, pTargetName, robotName, pChainName)

    # Arm motion bumping on head #

    # Go back to pose init.
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 1.0)
    # Disable collision detection on chainName.
    pEnable = False
    success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable)
    if (not success):
        print("Failed to disable collision protection")
    # Make NAO's arm move so that it bumps its head.
    pTargetName = "Head"
    moveArm(motionProxy, pTargetName, robotName, pChainName)

    # Go back to pose init.
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 1.0)
    # Enable collision detection on chainName.
    pEnable = True
    success = motionProxy.setCollisionProtectionEnabled(pChainName, pEnable)
    if (not success):
        print("Failed to enable collision protection")
    # Make NAO's arm move and see that it does not bump on the head.
    pTargetName = "Head"
    moveArm(motionProxy, pTargetName, robotName, pChainName)

    # Go back to pose init.
    postureProxy.goToPosture("StandInit", 1.0)

    # Go to rest position

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--ip", type=str, default="",
                        help="Robot ip address")
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9559,
                        help="Robot port number")
    parser.add_argument("--chain", type=str, default="LArm",
                        choices=["LArm", "RArm"], help="Chain name")

    args = parser.parse_args()
    main(args.ip, args.chain, args.port)