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Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for Plane, including all inherited members.

addChild(Node *child)Node [protected]
getGeometry(std::vector< Intersectable * > &geometry)Plane [protected, virtual]
getMaterial() const Primitive [inline]
hasChild(const Node *child) const Node [protected]
intersect(const Ray &ray) const Plane [virtual]
intersect(const Ray &ray, Intersection &isect) const Plane [virtual]
mChildrenNode [protected]
mInvWorldTransformPlane [protected]
mLocalTransformNode [protected]
mMaterialPrimitive [protected]
mRNode [protected]
mSNode [protected]
mSizeUPlane [protected]
mSizeVPlane [protected]
mTNode [protected]
mTransformSetNode [protected]
mWorldTransformNode [protected]
Plane(float u, float v, Material *m=0)Plane
prepare()Plane [protected, virtual]
Primitive(Material *m=0)Primitive
setMaterial(Material *m)Primitive
setRotation(const Vector &R)Node
setRotation(float rx, float ry, float rz)Node
setScale(float s)Node
setScale(const Vector &S)Node
setScale(float sx, float sy, float sz)Node
setSize(float u, float v)Plane
setTransform(Matrix &M)Node
setTranslation(const Vector &T)Node
setTranslation(float tx, float ty, float tz)Node
setupTransform(const Matrix &world)Node [protected]
t_constitr typedefNode [protected]
t_itr typedefNode [protected]
~Intersectable()Intersectable [inline, virtual]
~Node()Node [virtual]
~Plane()Plane [virtual]
~Primitive()Primitive [inline, virtual]

Generated on Tue Mar 14 09:46:41 2006 for ASR by  doxygen 1.4.4