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1-ECTS Software Configuration Management

Software Configuration Management (SCM) is taught only at a few universities in the world. I know of two where it is a course of its own. Most often it is a single lecture (or less) as a part of a general course in software engineering - if it is taught at all. The most frequent "excuse" I hear for this regretful state is that there is a lack of knowledge and good teaching material.

I have decided to try to do something to remove that excuse.

I have developed teaching material for an introductory course in SCM that can be taught either as a short stand alone course or integrated in another course. The extent of the course is 1 ECTS, which is equivalent to 25-30 hours of work from the student. It consists of two lectures, two exercise sessions and one tool lab of two hours each. My "package" includes reading material, lecture slides, exercise questions and a lab description.

The course has been given at universities in Italy and Spain, both as an integrated part of another course (on Software Engineering) and as a stand alone unit (a couple of times extended to 2 ECTS with various additional material and assignments).

The next instantiations of the course will be given in:

Author (and lecturer the first time the course is given): Lars Bendix.

This course has a "bigger brother" (7.5 ECTS) that is given at Lund University, Sweden:

And now there is also an "ultra-short version" (90 minutes):

Updated June 14, 2024