Software Configuration Management in 90 minutes
Software Configuration Management (SCM) is taught only at a few
universities in the world. I know of two where it is a course
of its own. Most often it is a single lecture (or less) as a part
of a general course in software engineering - if it is taught at
all. The most frequent "excuse" I hear for this regretful state
is that there is a lack of knowledge and good teaching material.
I have decided to try to do something to remove that excuse.
I have developed teaching material for a short introduction to SCM
that can be integrated in another course. The basis is a two-hour
lecture and it can be extended with a two-hour version control lab
and/or a two-hour exercise session. My "package" includes reading
material, lecture slides and - if extended - a lab description and/or
exercise questions.
The course has been given at universities in Norway, Denmark and Sweden
in different variants.
The next instantiations of the course will be given in:
Author (and lecturer the first time the course is given):
Lars Bendix.
This course has a "bigger brother" (7.5 ECTS) that is given at Lund University, Sweden:
And an "older sibling" (1 ECTS):
Updated August 7, 2023 |