Memory watcher panel

What is the Memory watcher panel

The Memory watcher panel allows you to display the value of events or data during the execution of a behavior.

Memory watcher has a Recording function allowing you to save a CSV file containing the history of event or data values during the recording.

Column Contains
Name Names of selected Memory keys.
Nature DATA / EVENT.
Value Values of the Memory keys, updated according to Period.

Selecting Memory key to watch

To select the set of Memeory keys to watch:

Step Action

Double-clic the empty line dispalaying the <Select memory keys to watch>.

The list of available Memory keys is diplayed.

Click the checkboxes to select Memory keys.
Click the OK button.

Setting the refresh period

The Memory watcher panel is getting periodically information directly from the robot, by request.

Setting the refresh period allows the user to set the time to wait between two requests.

Recording changing values of the Memory keys

To record Memory keys evolution:

Step Action
Select Memeory keys to watch.
Set the refresh period.
Click the Start Recording button.
Launch the behavior you want to audit.

When the behovior to survey is done, click the Stop Recording button.

You are then prompted to save the CSV file.