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Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
qi::FutureBarrier< T > Class Template Reference

This class helps waiting on multiple futures at the same point. More...

#include <future.hpp>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FutureBarrier (FutureCallbackType async=FutureCallbackType_Async)
 FutureBarrier constructor taking no argument.
bool addFuture (qi::Future< T > fut)
 Adds the future to the barrier.
Future< std::vector< Future< T > > > future ()
 Gets the future result for the barrier.

Protected Attributes

bool _closed
Atomic< int > _count
std::vector< Future< T > > _futures
Promise< std::vector< Future
< T > > > 

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class qi::FutureBarrier< T >

This class helps waiting on multiple futures at the same point.

 * This class helps waiting on multiple futures at the same point. If you want
 * to make several calls in a function and wait for all results at some point.
 * (:cpp:func:`qi::waitForAll(std::vector<Future<T>>&)` and
 * :cpp:func:`qi::waitForFirst(std::vector<Future<T>>&)` may help you
 * for simple cases).
 * :cpp:class:`qi::FutureBarrier` is used like a builder. You must give it the
 * futures with :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier<T>::addFuture(qi::Future<T>)`. On
 * first call to :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier<T>::future()`, barrier will be closed
 * and won't except any more future. :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier<T>::future()`
 * returns the vector of all the futures given to the barrier.
 * With this code, you can easily write asynchronous map code.
 * Simple example: waitForAll
 * **************************
 * .. code-block:: cpp
 *     void waitForAll(std::vector< Future<int> >& vect) {
 *         qi::FutureBarrier<int> barrier;
 *         std::vector< Future<int> >::iterator it;
 *         for (it = vect.begin(); it != vect.end(); ++it) {
 *             barrier.addFuture(*it);
 *         }
 *         barrier.future().wait();
 *         // [1]: Do something here with all the results.
 *     }
 * This function is the simplest one you can write with FutureBarrier. Lets say
 * you have a vector of calls and you eant to wait on all of them before
 * executing something, this is typically the kind of code you would write.
 * .. note::
 *     This function is already provided with the API in ``qi`` namespace,
 *     as a templated implementation. Don't recode it.
 * Complete example
 * ****************
 * .. code-block:: cpp
 *     qi::Future<int> returnAsynchronouslyNumber(int number);
 *     void mult42(qi::Promise<int> prom, qi::Future<int> number);
 *     void sumList(qi::Promise<int> prom,
 *                  qi::Future< std::vector< qi::Future<int> > > fut);
 *     qi::Future<int> sum42ProductTable() {
 *         qi::FutureBarrier barrier;
 *         // [1]:
 *         for (int it = 0; it < 10; ++it) {
 *             // [1.1]:
 *             qi::Future<int> fut = returnAsynchronouslyNumber(it);
 *             qi::Promise<int> prom;
 *             fut.connect(boost::bind(&mult42, prom, _1));
 *             barrier.addFuture(prom.future());
 *             // [1.2]
 *         }
 *         // The following line would hang until the results are ready:
 *         // std::vector< qi::Future<int> > values = barrier.future();
 *         // Vector would then contain promises results, when they are all
 *         // ready, so [0, 42, 84, 126, 168, 210, 252, 294, 336, 378]
 *         // [2]:
 *         qi::Promise<int> res;
 *         barrier.future().connect(boost::bind(&sumList, res, _1));
 *         return res.future();
 *     }
 * This is a complete example of how to do a map. This is the standart usage
 * of futures but within a loop. If you look at *[1.1]* part, you have an
 * asynchronous call to returnAsynchronouslyNumber function, a treatment of this
 * result with function *mult42* to which we give a promise and we use the future
 * of the promise. Instead of returning it, we give it to the FutureBarrier.
 * This is due to the fact that *[2]* needs *[1]* to be completely executed
 * before executing, including the callback *mult42*. FutureBarrier makes sure of
 * this synchronisation.
 * Since it is returning a :cpp:class:`qi::Future`. You can connect to it using
 * the standard pattern again and execute a callback (*sunList*) when all the
 * results has been acquired. This what *[2]* does.
 * To summaries, this function will: use an asynchronous call to the function
 * identity (just to have an asynchronous call), multiply all the results with
 * the number 42, and the sum the complete vector, to return it.
 * .. note::
 *     If you add any callback to the future after the call to
 *     :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier<T>::addFuture(qi::Future<T>)`,
 *     replacing *[1.2]*, the callback on barrier's future will be executed
 *     asynchronously with it. If you are not sure, always call
 *     :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier<T>::addFuture(qi::Future<T>)` in last.

Definition at line 521 of file future.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename T>
qi::FutureBarrier< T >::FutureBarrier ( FutureCallbackType  async = FutureCallbackType_Async) [inline]

FutureBarrier constructor taking no argument.

Definition at line 524 of file future.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename T>
qi::FutureBarrier< T >::addFuture ( qi::Future< T >  fut) [inline]

Adds the future to the barrier.

Whether the future could be added.
 * This adds the future to the barrier. It means barrier's future won't return
 * until this one returns. It will also be added to the resulting vector.
 * When :cpp:func:`qi::FutureBarrier::future()` has been called, this function
 * will have no effect and return false.

Definition at line 532 of file future.hpp.

template<typename T>
qi::FutureBarrier< T >::future ( ) [inline]

Gets the future result for the barrier.

 * Returns a future containing the vector of all the futures given to the barrier.
 * .. warning::
 *     Once called, you will not be able to add a new future to the barrier.

Definition at line 544 of file future.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

template<typename T>
bool qi::FutureBarrier< T >::_closed [protected]

Definition at line 550 of file future.hpp.

template<typename T>
Atomic<int> qi::FutureBarrier< T >::_count [protected]

Definition at line 551 of file future.hpp.

template<typename T>
std::vector< Future<T> > qi::FutureBarrier< T >::_futures [protected]

Definition at line 552 of file future.hpp.

template<typename T>
Promise< std::vector< Future<T> > > qi::FutureBarrier< T >::_promise [protected]

Definition at line 553 of file future.hpp.

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