Reporting qiBuild issues

Before reporting

Preparing a detailed and well-formed bug report is not difficult, but requires an effort on behalf of the reporter. The work done before reporting a bug is arguably the most useful part of the job.

The following steps will guide you in preparing your bug report or feature request.

Search for duplicates

You should search for duplicates first.

Make sure to also browse the qibuild-dev archives, too.

Gather useful information

Here is a list of useful information that should be mentioned in your bug report :

  • Version of the package being used. qibuild --version may be useful. Also please precise where you qibuild installation comes from.
  • Platform used: operating system, 32/64bits, etc.
  • Add relevant information when any is available:
    • Add the full error messages. We make sure qibuild error messages are precise and useful, (see Error messages)
    • Add the full command line you used, and the full output
  • Indicate how to reproduce the bug. This is very important, it will help people test the bug and potential patches on their own computer.
  • The stack trace: use --backtrace argument

For instance:

Cannot frobinicate with latest qibuild

Using qibuild from github (rev 0f452b), I get the
following when I try to frobnicate:

$ qibuild frobnicate --baz baz --backtrace
Frobnicating baz

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "qibuild/python/bin/qibuild", line 61, in <module>

File "qibuild/python/qibuild/", line 76, in cmake

Could not frobnicate baz:
  error was: return code is 42 instead of 41

This is a very useful bug report.

This is not:

I updated qibuild and now frobnicate is broken!

Open the request

You can open the request and browse the existing issues on github: