Contributing to qiBuild

qiBuild development process take place on github:

Reporting bugs

Please open an issue on github for every qibuild bug you may find, but make sure to read this first:

TODO list

If you want to contribute, but don’t know what to do, you can have a look at the TODO:

Feel free to just add your own ideas to the list :)


This is for items on the TODO that are too large and require discussion before we start actually implementing them

Submitting changes

Please fork the project on github and make a merge request if you want to contribute.

Please also read this first:

qibuild uses the ‘Test Driven Development’ technique.

It is advised you write tests before adding new code.

You can read more about it here:

In any case, you must make sure to check your code is correct before sending a merge request:

Please also make sure to submit documentation updates concerning your changes.