CM course page Computer Science LTH

Student comments:

We are now doing a project out in a company. It really amazed me that they do not have any structure at all in their development process. Just by talking to them for an hour, I could think of a dozen suggestions that I can think of from the course - e. g. CCB. I appreciate this course more and more every day!

Very good course in many ways. Interesting subject and a knowledgeable lecturer. Labs are very good and metaphors are very pedagogical. Oral examination was a exciting element.

Nice thing about oral exam is that you get it all done on the spot - and nice that your CM-plan in a sense define your curriculum for the exam.

I didn't like the metaphors at all during the course, because I kind of thought that I don't need metaphors and I had a hard time understanding them (maybe because I'm not used to thinking in metaphors). But at the end of the course, especially when I prepared for the exam, I found them to be great.

Information through email was very good and gave the feeling that the course leader really cared that the information came through.

I think it was an interesting and rewarding course with nice lectures and I would recommend others interested in CM and/or wanting to know more about the problems (and their solutions) about working in groups to consider taking it.

What was unusual for me was the pile of literature to read and discuss - quite different to other CS courses. That took quite some time, but was the main work to be done -> workload adequate.

This has been a very interesting course. I have learned lots of things about CM. A good course teaches beyond the course objectives. With that I mean that you don't only learn "the facts", but also get an understanding of how it will work in the real world, and you can apply concepts from the course to real world practice. I think that this course has succeeded at that.

In summary, I will say that now - when the course is over and I have got the overview - I consider it to be one of the best courses I have taken.

Thanks for a good course (one of the best I have taken at LTH and absolutely the best CS course) which has given me a lot of food for thought.

I can say that your course was the best I had in Lund this semester. As you can see in the evaluation, I didn't write any comments, because I think the course is great as it is now. So - congratulations and go on like this next year!

Nice that the course is anchored in real life problems. This is probably one of those courses that gives knowledge you will find use for later in life.

I must say that the exercises were the central point of the course with respect to its quality. I really learned quite a lot from these since you had lectures in the exercise's topic followed by some papers to read, then a discussion with your group members where you had to think about the topic and also got to hear the other members' perspective. This was further improved by the short presentations given by other groups on the following lecture where you often got to see completely different aspects of viewpoints of the topic. These were actually so rewarding (if you had been to the lectures and read the material) that one might consider making them obligatory.

The mini project was also one of the things I felt important to the course. You put everything you learned together in some sort of structure and actually use it in practice.

I think an oral examination is probably the best way to have an exam in a course like this, since it is much about ideas, thoughts and opinions, and since there isn't one true and righteous way of doing configuration management.

Considering the type of course and examination form, I think that all in all the workload was ok since you got preparation for the exam if you read the material when you were supposed to and then followed this with exercises.

I think that this was a good course which I am happy that I have taken.

All in all I enjoyed the course and learned a lot of useful stuff.

I enjoyed the atmosphere at the exercises and I enjoyed listening to others and sharing my own experience with the other group members.

Having worked for a couple of years without any trace of formal CM, many things came as a shock to me.

These were some shameless plugs for the course - click here for the general evaluation, (negative) comments and (constructive) suggestions.

Updated February 4, 2004