libalvision  1.14
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alvisiondefinitions.h File Reference

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namespace  AL


#define TORAD   3.14f/180.0f


bool AL::isResolutionValid (const int resIndex)
void AL::setSizeFromResolution (const int resIndex, int &outWidth, int &outHeight)
int AL::getResolutionFromSize (const int width, const int height)
bool AL::isColorSpaceValid (const int colorspace)
int AL::getNumLayersInColorSpace (const int colorSpace)
float AL::convertAngleValToNormalizedImgVal (const float &radValue, const float &imageRadMin, const float &imageRadMax)
float AL::convertAnglePosToNormalizedImgPos (const float &radPosition, const float &imageRadMin, const float &imageRadMax)


const int AL::kOV7670 = 1
const int AL::kMT9M114 = 2
const int AL::kTopCamera = 0
const int AL::kBottomCamera = 1
const float AL::kApertureH_OV7670 = 47.8f
const float AL::kApertureV_OV7670 = 36.8f
const float AL::kApertureH_MT9M114 = 60.9f
const float AL::kApertureV_MT9M114 = 47.6f
const int AL::k960p = 3
const int AL::k4VGA = 3
const int AL::kVGA = 2
const int AL::kQVGA = 1
const int AL::kQQVGA = 0
const int AL::kYuvColorSpace = 0
const int AL::kyUvColorSpace = 1
const int AL::kyuVColorSpace = 2
const int AL::kRgbColorSpace = 3
const int AL::krGbColorSpace = 4
const int AL::krgBColorSpace = 5
const int AL::kHsyColorSpace = 6
const int AL::khSyColorSpace = 7
const int AL::khsYColorSpace = 8
const int AL::kYUV422InterlacedColorSpace = 9
const int AL::kYUV422ColorSpace = 9
const int AL::kYUVColorSpace = 10
const int AL::kRGBColorSpace = 11
const int AL::kHSYColorSpace = 12
const int AL::kBGRColorSpace = 13
const int AL::kYYCbCrColorSpace = 14
const int AL::kH2RGBColorSpace = 15
const int AL::kHSMixedColorSpace = 16
const int AL::kDepthColorSpace = 17
const int AL::kARGBColorSpace = 18
const int AL::kCameraBrightnessID = 0
const int AL::kCameraContrastID = 1
const int AL::kCameraSaturationID = 2
const int AL::kCameraHueID = 3
const int AL::kCameraRedChromaID = 4
const int AL::kCameraBlueChromaID = 5
const int AL::kCameraGainID = 6
const int AL::kCameraHFlipID = 7
const int AL::kCameraVFlipID = 8
const int AL::kCameraLensXID = 9
const int AL::kCameraLensYID = 10
const int AL::kCameraAutoExpositionID = 11
const int AL::kCameraAutoWhiteBalanceID = 12
const int AL::kCameraAutoGainID = 13
const int AL::kCameraResolutionID = 14
const int AL::kCameraFrameRateID = 15
const int AL::kCameraBufferSizeID = 16
const int AL::kCameraExposureID = 17
const int AL::kCameraSelectID = 18
const int AL::kCameraSetDefaultParamsID = 19
const int AL::kCameraColorSpaceID = 20
const int AL::kCameraExposureCorrectionID = 21
const int AL::kCameraExposureAlgorithmID = 22
const int AL::kCameraAecAlgorithmID = kCameraExposureAlgorithmID
const int AL::kCameraFastSwitchID = 23
const int AL::kCameraSharpnessID = 24
const int AL::kCameraAwbGreenGainID = 25
const int AL::kCameraAblcID = 26
const int AL::kCameraAblcTargetID = 27
const int AL::kCameraAblcStableRangeID = 28
const int AL::kCameraBlcBlueID = 29
const int AL::kCameraBlcRedID = 30
const int AL::kCameraBlcGbID = 31
const int AL::kCameraBlcGrID = 32
const int AL::kCameraWhiteBalanceID = 33
const int AL::kCameraBacklightCompensationID = 34

Detailed Description

vision defines

Definition in file alvisiondefinitions.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

Pierre-Emmanuel VIEL Copyright (c) Aldebaran Robotics 2008, 2011 All Rights Reserved

Definition at line 8 of file alvisiondefinitions.h.