All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods
Modifier and Type |
Method and Description |
static java.lang.String |
bafDescriptorOf(Type type) |
static Type |
getDescriptorTypeOf(Type opType) |
AddInst |
newAddInst(Type opType) |
AndInst |
newAndInst(Type opType) |
ArrayLengthInst |
newArrayLengthInst() |
ArrayReadInst |
newArrayReadInst(Type opType) |
ArrayWriteInst |
newArrayWriteInst(Type opType) |
BafBody |
newBody(Body b)
Returns a BafBody constructed from b.
BafBody |
newBody(Body b,
java.lang.String phase)
Returns a BafBody constructed from b.
BafBody |
newBody(SootMethod m)
Returns an empty BafBody associated with method m.
CmpgInst |
newCmpgInst(Type opType) |
CmpInst |
newCmpInst(Type opType) |
CmplInst |
newCmplInst(Type opType) |
DivInst |
newDivInst(Type opType) |
Dup1_x1Inst |
newDup1_x1Inst(Type aOpType,
Type aUnderType) |
Dup1_x2Inst |
newDup1_x2Inst(Type aOpType,
Type aUnder1Type,
Type aUnder2Type) |
Dup1Inst |
newDup1Inst(Type type) |
Dup2_x1Inst |
newDup2_x1Inst(Type aOp1Type,
Type aOp2Type,
Type aUnderType) |
Dup2_x2Inst |
newDup2_x2Inst(Type aOp1Type,
Type aOp2Type,
Type aUnder1Type,
Type aUnder2Type) |
Dup2Inst |
newDup2Inst(Type aOp1Type,
Type aOp2Type) |
DynamicInvokeInst |
newDynamicInvokeInst(SootMethodRef bsmMethodRef,
java.util.List<Value> bsmArgs,
SootMethodRef methodRef,
int tag) |
EnterMonitorInst |
Constructs a EnterMonitorInst() grammar chunk.
ExitMonitorInst |
Constructs a ExitMonitorInst() grammar chunk
FieldGetInst |
newFieldGetInst(SootFieldRef fieldRef) |
FieldPutInst |
newFieldPutInst(SootFieldRef fieldRef) |
GotoInst |
newGotoInst(Unit unit) |
IdentityInst |
newIdentityInst(Value local,
Value identityRef) |
ValueBox |
newIdentityRefBox(Value value) |
IfCmpEqInst |
newIfCmpEqInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfCmpGeInst |
newIfCmpGeInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfCmpGtInst |
newIfCmpGtInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfCmpLeInst |
newIfCmpLeInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfCmpLtInst |
newIfCmpLtInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfCmpNeInst |
newIfCmpNeInst(Type opType,
Unit unit) |
IfEqInst |
newIfEqInst(Unit unit) |
IfGeInst |
newIfGeInst(Unit unit) |
IfGtInst |
newIfGtInst(Unit unit) |
IfLeInst |
newIfLeInst(Unit unit) |
IfLtInst |
newIfLtInst(Unit unit) |
IfNeInst |
newIfNeInst(Unit unit) |
IfNonNullInst |
newIfNonNullInst(Unit unit) |
IfNullInst |
newIfNullInst(Unit unit) |
IncInst |
newIncInst(Local aLocal,
Constant aConstant) |
InstanceCastInst |
newInstanceCastInst(Type opType) |
InstanceOfInst |
newInstanceOfInst(Type opType) |
UnitBox |
newInstBox(Unit unit) |
InterfaceInvokeInst |
newInterfaceInvokeInst(SootMethodRef methodRef,
int argCount) |
JSRInst |
newJSRInst(Unit unit) |
LoadInst |
newLoadInst(Type opType,
Local l) |
Local |
newLocal(java.lang.String name,
Type t)
Constructs a Local with the given name and type.
ValueBox |
newLocalBox(Value value) |
LookupSwitchInst |
newLookupSwitchInst(Unit defaultTarget,
java.util.List<IntConstant> lookupValues,
java.util.List targets) |
MulInst |
newMulInst(Type opType) |
NegInst |
newNegInst(Type opType) |
NewArrayInst |
newNewArrayInst(Type opType) |
NewInst |
newNewInst(RefType opType) |
NewMultiArrayInst |
newNewMultiArrayInst(ArrayType opType,
int dimensions) |
NopInst |
newNopInst() |
OrInst |
newOrInst(Type opType) |
ParameterRef |
newParameterRef(Type paramType,
int number)
Constructs a ParameterRef(SootMethod, int) grammar chunk.
PlaceholderInst |
newPlaceholderInst(Unit source) |
PopInst |
newPopInst(Type aType) |
PrimitiveCastInst |
newPrimitiveCastInst(Type fromType,
Type toType) |
PushInst |
newPushInst(Constant c) |
RemInst |
newRemInst(Type opType) |
ReturnInst |
newReturnInst(Type opType) |
ReturnVoidInst |
newReturnVoidInst() |
ShlInst |
newShlInst(Type opType) |
ShrInst |
newShrInst(Type opType) |
SpecialInvokeInst |
newSpecialInvokeInst(SootMethodRef methodRef) |
StaticGetInst |
newStaticGetInst(SootFieldRef fieldRef) |
StaticInvokeInst |
newStaticInvokeInst(SootMethodRef methodRef) |
StaticPutInst |
newStaticPutInst(SootFieldRef fieldRef) |
StoreInst |
newStoreInst(Type opType,
Local l) |
SubInst |
newSubInst(Type opType) |
SwapInst |
newSwapInst(Type fromType,
Type toType) |
TableSwitchInst |
newTableSwitchInst(Unit defaultTarget,
int lowIndex,
int highIndex,
java.util.List targets) |
ThisRef |
newThisRef(RefType t)
Constructs a ThisRef(RefType) grammar chunk.
ThrowInst |
newThrowInst() |
Trap |
newTrap(SootClass exception,
Unit beginUnit,
Unit endUnit,
Unit handlerUnit)
Constructs a new BTrap for the given exception on the given Unit range with the given Unit handler.
UshrInst |
newUshrInst(Type opType) |
VirtualInvokeInst |
newVirtualInvokeInst(SootMethodRef methodRef) |
XorInst |
newXorInst(Type opType) |
static Baf |
v() |