Interface | Description |
EdgeFunction<V> |
An edge function computes how a V-type value changes when flowing from one
super-graph node to another.
EdgeFunctions<N,D,M,V> |
Classes implementing this interface provide a range of edge functions used to
compute a V-type value for each of the finitely many D-type values reachable
in the program.
FlowFunction<D> |
A flow function computes which of the finitely many D-type values are reachable
from the current source values.
FlowFunctions<N,D,M> |
Classes implementing this interface provide a factory for a
range of flow functions used to compute which D-type values
are reachable along the program's control flow.
IDETabulationProblem<N,D,M,V,I extends InterproceduralCFG<N,M>> |
Defines an IDE tabulation problem as presented in the Sagiv, Reps, Horwitz 1996
(SRH96) paper.
IFDSTabulationProblem<N,D,M,I extends InterproceduralCFG<N,M>> |
A tabulation problem for solving in an
IFDSSolver as described
by the Reps, Horwitz, Sagiv 1995 (RHS95) paper. |
InterproceduralCFG<N,M> |
An interprocedural control-flow graph.
ItemPrinter<N,D,M> |
Interface for creating string representations of nodes, facts,
and methods in the IDE/IFDS problem.
JoinLattice<V> |
This class defines a lattice in terms of its top and bottom elements
and a join operation.
SolverConfiguration |
Configuration parameters for
IDESolver . |
Class | Description |
DefaultSeeds |
A utility class for creating default seeds that cause an analysis to simply start at a given statement.
EdgeFunctionCache<N,D,M,V> | |
FlowFunctionCache<N,D,M> | |
ProfiledFlowFunctions<N,D,M> |
A wrapper that can be used to profile flow functions.
TwoElementSet<E> |
An unmodifiable set holding exactly two elements.
ZeroedFlowFunctions<N,D,M> |
Annotation Type | Description |
DontSynchronize |
Semantic annotation stating that the annotated field can remain unsynchronized.
MustSynchronize |
Semantic annotation stating that the annotated field must be synchronized.
SynchronizedBy |
Semantic annotation that the annotated field is synchronized.
ThreadSafe |
This annotation tells that the class was designed to be used by multiple threads, with concurrent updates.