
This page lists all technical skills of relevance to this class, as a study guide. If you find that you possess all the skills listed here, you can consider yourself to have mastered the class. The final exam will draw its expectations from this list: each question in the exam can be solved by using and synthesising the skills listed here, basic arithmetic, and general computer science knowledge from the prerequisite undergraduate core classes.

The percentage of synthesis tasks in which you have to combine known skills in ways not directly covered in the class will be no more than 25% of the total points in the final exam.

Note that the list is preliminary and will be updated throughout the course.


For each concept (maked in bold-face below) be able to do the following:

0. Foundations

The following concepts and skills are foundational to understanding programming languages at a conceptual level:

  1. The concepts of Turing-Completeness and the Church-Turing Thesis
  2. The difference between Domain-Specific Languages and General-Purpose Languages
  3. The concept of Decidability, in the context of programming languages (i.e., applied to error detection and optimisation)
  4. Given a programming language specification, you should be able to use this specification to answer questions about the syntax and semantics of the programming language.
  5. Given an implementation of a programming language and a description of the language syntax, you should be able to devise experiments to answer questions about the semantics of the programming language.

1. Language Critique

The book provides a convenient common framework for arguing about the benefits and disadvantages of language features and programming languages in general. Table 1.1 (page 31 in Sebesta, 11th Global Edition) and, more generally, Section 1.3 (pages 30ff) in the book describe a number of axes along which we can try to understand the effect of language features and the qualities of programming languages.

  1. You should be able to recognise and describe all the characteristics listed in Table 1.1 (page 31), as well as the three basic criteria listed therein.
  2. For some language feature, you should be able to recognise the characteristics and criteria affected by that feature's presence or absence.
  3. For two related language features, you should be able to compare them, based on the three criteria from Table 1.1 (page 31).
  4. For some language feature, you should be able to recognise and explain how it can affect the Cost considerations for training, compile time, execution time, and cost of poor reliability as outlined in Section 1.3.3 (pages 39–41).

2. Program Execution and Language Implementation

You should be familiar with the following concepts::

  1. Language implementation via pure interpretation, compilation, and hybrid implementation
  2. Language implementation with the help of a just-in-time compiler
  3. The capabilities of machine language, assembly language, and bytecode
  4. The assembler, linker, and loader
  5. Memory and its use for storing code and data
  6. The separation of program memory into heap, stack, and static memory
  7. The concept of memory addresses
  8. The difference between dynamic linking and static linking
  9. The separation between compiler and run-time system
  10. The Whole-Program Assumption and the differences between Whole-Program Compilation and Incremental Compilation

3. Syntax

Syntax describes the possible structure (or form) of programs of a given programming language. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) grammars have emerged as the standard mechanism for describing language syntax. BNF grammars used to describe languages when communicating with language adopters and compiler implementors. There are also many tools (particularly the yacc and antlr families of programs) for automatically generating parsers, programs that recognise whether an input program matches a grammar and, if it does, execute user-defined actions upon encountering certain language constructs.

  1. You should be able to determine whether a given property of a language is part of the syntax, of the static semantics, or of the dynamic semantics.
  2. You should be able to read a BNF grammar and understand the difference between terminals and nonterminals.
  3. Given a BNF grammar, you should be able to write down examples of programs that can be generated by the grammar.
  4. Given a BNF grammar, you should be able to tell whether a given program can be generated by the grammar. If the program is generated by the grammar, you should also be able to generate a parse tree for the program.
  5. You should be able to determine whether a given (small) BNF grammar is ambiguous (the problem is undecidable in general, so this skill only pertains to practically relevant examples as covered in the textbook).
  6. Given a BNF grammar, you should be able to determine the associativity of any operator used therein.
  7. You should be able to describe the difference between an object language and a meta-language.
  8. Understand arity, fixity, and precedence, and associativity of operators

4. Natural Semantics

There are many ways to describe semantics. In this course, we focus on natural semantics (also known as Big-Step Operational Semantics).

  1. You should be able to read a specification of natural semantics.
  2. Given a natural semantics and a parse tree (or unambiguous expression), you should be able to compute the semantics of the given program.
  3. Given a natural semantics and a BNF grammar, you should be able to tell whether any parts of the semantics are undefined.
  4. Given an understanding of what a state-free expression language is supposed to do, you should be able to write down a simple natural semantics for it.
  5. You should be able to understand the concepts of Environments in the context of natural semantics and be able to utilise it when reading and reasoning about natural semantics.

5. Bindings and Lifetime

  1. You should understand the difference between static and dynamic type binding and be able to take advantage of either property in your programming.
  2. Given a syntax, a compiler and a run-time system for a language, you should be able to determine whether the language is using static or dynamic type binding.
  3. Concepts: static binding, stack-dynamic binding, explicit heap-dynamic binding, and implicit heap-dynamic binding.
  4. Given a syntax, a compiler and a run-time system for a language, you should be able to determine which storage binding(s) the language is using.
  5. Concept: lifetime of a variable
  6. Concepts: allocation and deallocation of a heap-dynamic variable
  7. Concept: binding time, especially the difference between static and dynamic binding times

6. Scoping

  1. Concept: referencing environment
  2. You should understand the difference between static scoping and dynamic scoping and be able to exploit either in your programming.
  3. Given a language implementation, you should be able to write a program to determine whether the language uses static or dynamic scoping.
  4. Concepts: deep binding and shallow binding.

7. Types

  1. Concepts: the types of integers, floating-point numbers (floats), and decimal numbers (decimals)
  2. Concept: the type of booleans
  3. Concept: enumeration type
  4. Concepts: character and string types
  5. Concept: subrange types
  6. Concept: record types
  7. Concept: tuple types
  8. Concept: list types
  9. Concept: associative array types
  10. Concept: union types, both free and discriminated
  11. Concept: type constructors
  12. Concepts: strong typing and weak typing
  13. Concepts: type checking and the differences between dynamic type checking, static type checking.
  14. Concepts: type equivalence, including the difference between nominal and structural type equivalence
  15. Concept: operator overloading
  16. Concept: typing rules as part of type systems, and how to read such rules and utilise them in your reasoning about program semantics
  17. Concept: the type preservation property, also known as subject reduction, of type systems
  18. Concepts: type parameters and parametric polymorphism
  19. Concept: function types for subroutines
  20. Concept: type classes
  21. Concept: subtyping
  22. Concept: covariance and contravariance of type parameters, and the arrow rule
  23. Concept: bounded parametric polymorphism
  24. Concept: definition-site variance and use-site variance of type parameters
  25. Concept: Algebraic Datatypes as in Standard ML and their use in pattern-matching
  26. Concept: automatic Type Inference

8. Expressions

  1. Concept: arithmetic expressions
  2. Concepts: boolean expressions and relational expressions
  3. Concepts: Different forms of object equality, including reference equality and structural equality
  4. Concept: operand evaluation order and how it affects the outcome of programs
  5. Concept: short-circuit evaluation and how it affects the outcome of programs
  6. Concept: referential transparency and side effects
  7. Concept: conditional expressions
  8. Concept: list comprehensions and their semantics
  9. Concept: type conversion, comprising explicit type conversion expressions and implicit type coercions
  10. Concepts: narrowing conversions and widening conversions
  11. Concepts: boxing conversions and unboxing conversions

9. Statements and Control Constructs

  1. Concept: assignment statements, including compound assignment
  2. Concept: two-way selection statements
  3. Concept: multiple-selection statements
  4. Concept: counter-controlled loops
  5. Concept: logically controlled loops
  6. Concept: datastructure-controlled loops

10. Subprograms and Parameter Passing

  1. Concepts: subprograms, including formal arguments and actual arguments
  2. Concept: local variables in subprograms
  3. Concept: activation records
  4. Concept: nested subprograms
  5. Concepts: parameter passing modes
    1. by value
    2. by result
    3. by value-result
    4. by reference
    5. by name
    6. by need
  6. Concepts: subprograms as parameters, subprograms as return values, Closures
  7. Concept: subprogram overloading

11. Pointers, References, and Arrays

  1. Concepts: pointers and references
  2. Concept: the dangling pointer problem
  3. Concepts: garbage collection in the forms of reference counting and mark-and-sweep collection
  4. Concept: arrays in the forms of
    1. static arrays
    2. fixed stack-dynamic arrays
    3. fixed heap-dynamic arrays
    4. heap-dynamic arrays

12. Abstract Datatypes

  1. Concepts: information hiding and encapsulation
  2. Concept: abstract datatypes
  3. Concept: generic abstract datatypes, that is, abstract datatypes that take one or more type parameters

13. Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Concept: object-oriented language
  2. Concept: dynamic dispatch, also known as dynamic binding of methods
  3. Concept: inheritance
  4. Concept: method overriding
  5. Concept: the combined use of static types and dynamic types in statically typed object-oriented languages

14. Functional Programming

  1. Concept: local let bindings of variables
  2. Concept: anonymous functions, also known as lambda expressions
  3. Concept: first-class functions
  4. Concepts: pattern matching, including wildcards
  5. Concepts: exhaustiveness and redundancy in pattern matching
  6. Concept: lists as algebraic datatypes
  7. Concept: the map function
  8. Concept: currying
  9. Functional Programming in Standard ML