
Lunch seminars

Past Lunch Seminars:

Tuesday, April 9 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - The real story of TDD
Registered: 4

Tuesday, March 21 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - Why is Waterfall good and Agile evil?
Registered: 6

Tuesday, February 14 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - The real story of TDD
Registered: 11

Wednesday, March 9 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - Why is Waterfall good and Agile evil?
Registered: 3

Wednesday, February 10 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - The real story of TDD
Registered: 9

Wednesday, February 19 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp): Lars Bendix - The real story of TDD
Registered: 4

Maintained by bendix@cs.lth.se