
Lunch Seminars

The real story of TDD

Tuesday, February 14 in room E:2116 at 12:15 (sharp):

Registration required - send an email to: bendix@cs.lth.se

What on Earth was Kent Beck thinking when he came up with the name "Test First"? Why has "Test-Driven Development" nothing to do with testing? In my opinion Test First/Test-Driven Development is the most misunderstood practice in the Agile world.

But if it is not about testing, what is it then about? Why are we doing it? How can we do it in a way that matches the original intentions of Kent Beck? And can we come up with a better word than "test" to capture Kent Beck's philosophy behind this practice?

Show up, join the discussion and lets work it out.

To warm up for the seminar, you could watch this 4-minute video on TDD.

Differing opinions - and Kent Beck - are very welcome!

Maintained by bendix@cs.lth.se