Student peer review:

During the course we will use the technique of "Student Peer Review" (also known as Student Peer Assessment - SPA) on certain aspects of the course. Rather than using the technique for peer assessment we will focus on the peer feedback aspects on this course. Doing your Student Peer Reviews is an obligatory part of the Perforce lab report and of the individual paper review.

The benefits from Student Peer Review are several:

Before doing your Student Peer Review, you might want to watch this short (3:54 min.) video (in Swedish) on how to give feedback. The video has a strong focus on why it is more important to give feedback than it is to get feedback and why and how you learn more from reviewing than from getting feedback. "Double maintenance" local copy here.
In summary - why you should feel lucky that you now have access to all these resources that you can look at and learn from ;-)

Before you read the feedback you get, maybe you should first watch this ultra-short (1:35) video (in Swedish) on how to take in feedback

If you are interested in more information about Student Peer Review (SPA) you can look here.

Perforce lab report:

Paper review:

Updated June 28, 2023