Student Peer Assessment
Under construction
After the department pedagogical day in August 2014, we (Roy Andersson, Anna Axelsson, Lars Bendix)
continued to work on Student Peer Assessment (SPA). Our goal was to create something that could
document the SPA examples that were already in use at the department and in a form so it could be
reusable for others that might be interested. We decided on using "patterns" for this documentation.
Our (initial) input was the material that some of the groups at the pedagogical day sent us - eventually.
This page document (some of) the results of our efforts. Enjoy!
Concrete SPA patterns:
These are some of the types of SPA that is in use at the department - there may be more and we would
be happy to know about that:
A template for SPA patterns:
We tried to come up with a template that would catch the commonalities between all the different
patterns we were contemplating. The purpose was to guide our writing of the different patterns and
help create patterns that had a more uniform structure and were more recognizable in nature.
If other people might want to adventure into the thrill of documenting their own experience with
SPA as a pattern, this template may be of help. You can find it here.
If you don't feel comfortable using the template, please tell us - and tell us about your SPA experience
so we can help you document it as a pattern.
Disclaimer: It is still rather rough around the edges ;-)
SPA resources:
If you want to know more about Student Peer Assessment in general and how it has been used, you can start
- A. Axelsson, "Delmål och kamratgranskning – erfarenheter från en grundkurs i programmering",
in Proceedings of the 2:a Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen, Lund, Sweden, May 2004.
- A. Axelsson, "Kan man lita på kamratgranskning?",
in Proceedings of the 3:e Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen, Lund, Sweden, May 2005.
- L. Bendix, "Extreme Use of Student Peer Assessment",
in Proceedings of the 8:e Pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen, Lund, Sweden, December 2014.
- L. Bendix, "Reflections on the use of Student Peer Assessment",
in Lärende i LTH, April 2015.
- S. Davis, B. Smith, K. Sambell, "Can we improve feedback without additional resources?",
ASKe Pedagogy Research Centre, Oxford Brokes University, 2007.
- M. Kihl, R. Andersson, A. Axelsson, “Kamratgranskning i stora klasser”, in Proceedings of the Utvecklingskonferens, Lund, Sweden, September 2007.
- P. Orsmond, S. Merry, K. Reiling, "The importance of marking criteria in the use of peer assessment",
in Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1996.
Google might be your friend ;-)
If you come across other useful references, we would be happy to know about them.
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