

  • Update of the doc
  • Remove compatibility with python 2.6
  • You can now set the environment variable VERBOSE=1 to trigger debug messages

Command line

  • qisrc sync: Prevent unwanted rebases when we are already synced
  • Fix return code of qibuild test --list
  • qilinguist: Stop doing backup when merging catalog files
  • qibuild test learn --ncpu to restrict the number of CPUs
  • Tests are now colored under a tty
  • qisrc grep learn --project to run only on some specific project
  • qisrc foreach learn --project to run only on some specific project
  • qisrc foreach learn --dry-run to dry run the command
  • Fix using qibuild deploy to a remote folder containing upper-case letters


  • Keep CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH clean during incremental builds
  • Fix using qi_add_optional_package with a file defining some macros
  • boost: support 1.53, adapt boost_flib for libraries being only headers
  • Fix perf tests with VisualStudio
  • qi_create_gtest now only works with Aldebaran’s fork of gtest
  • qi_generate_src can now generate several files with one command


  • Move qixml to qisys
  • XMLParser now take a target
  • qitoolchain now update toolchain instead of deleting and create
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