Building documentation with qidoc

qidoc supports two documentation tools:

  • Doxygen
  • sphinx

In the following tutorial, you will learn how to configure qidoc, build the documentation and open it.

Configuring qidoc

Using doxygen

Suggested layout:

|_ libfoo
    |__ qiproject.xml
    |__ foo
    |    |__ foo.h
    |__ foo.dox
    |__ Doxyfile

Here what the files would look like

<!-- libfoo/qiproject.xml -->

<project version="3" >

  <!-- used by qibuild to build your library -->
  <qibuild name="libfoo" />

  <!-- used by qidoc to build the Doxygen documentation -->
  <qidoc name="libfoo-dox" type="doxygen" />

# libfoo/dox/Doxfile

INPUT=. foo/

(No need for OUTPUT or GENERATE_* options, they will be set by qidoc automatically)

Using sphinx

Suggested layout:

|_ libfoo
    |__ qiproject.xml
    |__ foo
    |    |__ foo.h
    |__ doc
        |_ qiproject.xml
        |_ source
           |_ index.rst

This time you have to tell the qiproject.xml in libfoo that there is a sphinx doc project in the doc subfolder:

<!-- in libfoo/qiproject.xml -->
<project version="3">

  <qibuild name="libfoo" />
  <project src="doc" />
<!-- in libfoo/doc/qiproject.xml -->
<project version="3">
  <qidoc name="libfoo" type="sphinx" />

Building documentation

This is done with the qidoc build command.

As for the qibuild tool, you can either specify the name of the doc project, or go to a subdirectory of the documentation project.

For instance, in our sphinx example:

cd libfoo/doc
qidoc build
# or:
qidoc build libfoo

The resulting html files will be found in a build-doc folder, next to the qiproject.xml file.

Browsing the documentation

You can then see the results in your browser by running qidoc open

If you wish to share your documentation and you have ~/public/html directory served by a web server, you can run:

qidoc install ~/public/html