High Dynamic Range Texture Compression for Graphics Hardware

Jacob Munkberg
Lund University

Petrik Clarberg
Lund University

Jon Hasselgren
Lund University

Tomas Akenine-Möller
Lund University

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2006) vol. 25, no. 3


In this paper, we break new ground by presenting algorithms for fixed-rate compression of high dynamic range textures at low bit-rates. First, the S3TC low dynamic range texture compression scheme is extended in order to enable compression of HDR data. Second, we introduce a novel robust algorithm that offers superior image quality. Our algorithm can be efficiently implemented in hardware, and supports textures with a dynamic range of over 109:1. At a fixed rate of 8 bits per pixel, we obtain results virtually indistinguishable from uncompressed HDR textures at 48 bits per pixel. Our research can have a big impact on graphics hardware and real-time rendering, since HDR texturing suddenly becomes affordable.


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