
Master Thesis Seminar: An Evaluation of Databases for Real-Time Embedded Systems

Date: February 15, 2006 (Wednesday) at 10:15

By: Jörgen Nilsson

This report presents the results of a study of Database
Management Systems (DBMS) for embedded real-time systems. Different
properties were extracted and weighted according to their importance
in embedded systems and in particular mobiled phones. From these
properties a checklist was constructed to ease selection of DBMS
for embedded systems. Several open source and proprietary DBMS were
studied and a few of them were selected for in-depth study. The checklist
was used to select one DBMS for integration with the mobile phone
platform. The result of the investigation is a recommendation of
how to choose a DBMS for the Ericsson Mobile Platform.

Room: E:2405

Last modified Dec 9, 2011 12:59 pm