Real-Time Rendering Corrigenda

What follows are corrections for the book Real-Time Rendering, by Tomas Möller and Eric Haines.

Due to the printing process, a few images came out darker than planned. In addition, one image set is best shown on screen for comparison. Here are the original images, displayed with a gamma of 2.2, for the PC.

Figure 2.9, right side: (Cow Model is reused courtesy of Jens Larsson)
textured cow

Figure 5.13 (comparison of mipmapped vs. anisotropic is difficult in print):
mipmapped (left side): (Example pictures generated by software. Courtesy of NVIDIA Inc.)
trilinear mipmap
2:1 anisotropic (right side): (Example pictures generated by software. Courtesy of NVIDIA Inc.)
2:1 anisotropic

Figure 6.9, left side: (Car model is reused courtesy of Nya Perspektiv Design AB)
car with no reflections/shadow

Figure 6.9, right side: (Car model is reused courtesy of Nya Perspektiv Design AB)
car with reflections/shadow

Figure 6.24, right side (without inset), showing errors due to no shadow bias:
no shadow bias

Figure 7.8, middle, showing depth complexity:
depth complexity

Figure 7.8, right, rendered image:
rendered sphere

Figure Corrections

Figure 5.21, right side: connect the texel values arrowheads with vertical lines.

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webslaves: Eric Haines / Tomas Möller /

Last change: August 5, 1999