Real-Time Rendering Corrigenda for 2nd edition: minors
What follows are very minor copy errors for the book
Real-Time Rendering (2nd edition, 2nd print), by
Tomas Akenine-Möller and
Eric Haines.
Very minor errors (mostly for the authors and the publisher)
- Add "HyperZ" and "Euler-Mascheroni constant" to index.
- Add "polygons, sorting" to the index at appropriate places. (thanks to Adrian Lopez)
- In index, for "Buffer, Z-buffer" add a subheading "hierarchical", which would say "see culling".
- Page 4, table 1.1, in the 6th row describing the "plane". In the notation column, change
to "$\pi$: dotproduct(normal, point on plane) + scalar =0". Also, in the "Examples"-column,
add "=0" at the end of both plane equations, i.e., the first line should end "+d=0," instead of "+d,"
(thanks to Eric Phister)
- Page 17, Section 2.3.3, 3rd sentence says "projections methods" - "projections" should be "projection".
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 75, line 7, "will blue" should be "will be blue"
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 217, line 7 says "instruction,the" add a space after comma.
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 218, line 13 says "NV30 is has". Delete "is".
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 270, caption of Figure 6.51, in the third to last sentence it says "and so is is". This
should be changed to "and so is in".
(thanks to Francisco Rivas)
- Page 275, 5:th row says "...for a surface's location the four closest texels..." should be "...for a
surface's location among the four closest texels..." (thanks to Tommy Fortes)
- Page 249, line before section 9.1.2, should say "on page 641" instead of "on page 14.3.1".
(thanks to Cyrus Jam)
- Page 365, paragraph before section 9.5, line 5: says "the BV only, say, translates," but should be,
"the viewer only, say, translates". (thanks to Tommy Fortes)
- Page 391, in section called "Blend LODs", 5th sentence, change from "more expensive that just"
to "more expensive than just"
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 424, line 6 & 7, says, "it is up to the user", but should be, "it is up to the programmer"
(thanks to Tommy Fortes)
- Page 459, First sentence: change from "is" to "are".
- Page 459, last sentence on starts "Furthermore,". Delete that sentence. This was said in
the previous sentence, and the "Furthermore"-sentence is not complete.
- Page 509, there is no reference in the text to Figure 12.22 (but there is a reference from
a caption to this figure). At the end of the second paragraph of section 12.2.5,
add a sentence: "An example is shown in Figure 12.22."
- Page 512, Section 12.3, line 9, "with a two" should be "with two"
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 552, caption of Figure 12.56, needs two corrections. "The array A" should
be "The array B", and "into a the" should be "into the".
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 663, line 12, it says "A hybrid top-down/bottom-up tree update", but it should rather
be called "A hybrid bottom-up/top-down tree update" (thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 691, section 15.3.3, line 10, "2Since" should be "Since"
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 692, sentence almost just before Equation 15.2 says "Also assume that each
ZR, ZW, CW, and CR, use..." Delete the last comma (the one after "CR).
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 692, in the paragraph above Equation 15.2, there is a sentence that starts
"Our average case assumes that two TRs with trilinear mipmapping are done per pixel, and that..."
This needs to be clarified a little bit: "Our average case assumes a surface with two textures, so two
TRs with trilinear mapping are done per pixel, and that..."
- Page 694, section 15.3.5, line 1, "As can seen" should be "As can be seen"
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Page 696, line 1, "sent a compressed" should be "sent in a compressed"
(thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- On p. 709, in "2001's Monsters Inc. by Pixar" - there is an additional space after "Inc." (because of the
period), so we need to do the special "\ " to quote the space after "Inc.".
This is needed twice in this paragraph.
- Page 709, add a comma to "Monsters Inc." so it becomes "Monsters, Inc."
- Page 723, Section A.3.1, line three says "0<=i<p-1, 0<=j<q-1". It should read
"0<=i<=p-1, 0<=j<=q-1"
(thanks to Sebastien Enrique)
- Page 725, in Equation A.26, the vector v should have subscripts from "0" to "q-1", not to "p-1",
and the same goes for the vector w.
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 728, in 2nd sentence after equation A.34, it says "For a 3x3, system..." Delete the comma.
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 730, first line says "lambda_0,...lambda_{n1}". It should be "lambda_0,...lambda_{n-1}"
(thanks to Lachlan Partington)
- Page 750, reference [47] should read "Splines", not "Splinges".
(thanks to Nicolai Czempin)
- Page 752, reference [78] should be (add line "also collected..."):
Blinn, Jim, "A Ghost in a Snowstorm," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 79-84,
Jan/Feb 1998. Also collected in Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, chapter 9.
(thanks to Randy Sherman)
- Page 752, reference [79] should be (add line "also collected..."):
Blinn, Jim, "W Pleasure, W Fun," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 78-82, May/June
1998. Also collected in Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, chapter 10.
(thanks to Randy Sherman)
- Page 752, reference [80] should be (add line "also collected..."):
Blinn, Jim, "Optimizing C++ Vector Expressions," IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, vol. 20, no. 4, pp.
97-103, 2000. Also collected in Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, chapter 18.
(thanks to Randy Sherman)
- Page 752, reference [80], the page count should be "93-103", and not "93-203" (thanks to Bert Freudenberg)
- Page 755, reference [115] should read "of", not "fo".
(thanks to Nicolai Czempin)
- Page 755, reference [115], the author should be "Catmull, E.," - remove the second "E.".
- Page 764, reference [235]: remove the second time it says "second edition".
- Page 778, reference [434]: remove the beginning quote before "Efficient Collision..."
- Page 780, reference [453], it should be "Mark" and not "Marc".
- Page 805, reference [798], A ")" is missing at the end of the paper title. (thanks to Thomas Larsson)
- Plate XIV: change "Example pictures generated by software. Courtesy of
NVIDIA Corp." should really change to "Images courtesy of NVIDIA Corp."
Typesetting (mostly for the authors and the publisher)
- When subscripts in equations are descriptive they should be printed
in plain roman. For example, in equation 3.69, "OpenGL" should be roman.
However, when a subscript refer to an index, they should be italic. (thanks to John M. Gabriele)
- Both "log" and the differential operator "d" should be plain as well. (thanks to John M. Gabriele)
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Real-Time Rendering homepage.
webslaves: Eric Haines
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Last change: November 10th, 2003