CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Software Configuration Management - lecture

Industrial presentation

Lorenzo Borracci, Studio Systematica srl, Firenze


  • Tom Milligan: Better Software Configuration Management Means Better Business.
    Read this paper and appreciate how you, as a soon-to-be CM expert, will be able to help a company prosper ;-)

Lecture summary:

Lorenzo will talk about what he and others typically do in their day-to-day work with SCM. After the presentation Lorenzo will answer questions.
  • Presentazione
  • Problematiche aziendali
  • Lavoro in Studio Systematica prima di SCM
  • Lavoro oggi
  • Problemi nell'introduzione
  • Vantaggi
  • Conclusioni
  • Questions and Answers
  • Questions about the coming exam

Quote of the day

Why pay more for a climbing rope. If it breaks - we will give you a new one. (Ad in a British newspaper)

Updated May 25, 2009