CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Software Configuration Management - lecture 1:

Introduction, motivation and overview


  • Babich - chapter 1, 2, 3 and 5.
    Read these chapters carefully (in particular chapter 1) - they contain many words of wisdome.
    Read them after the lecture, but before next week's lecture and exercises. Make sure that you fully understand:
    • the difference between revisions and variants
    • the importance of recording derivations
    • why we must have reproducibility
    • the need for and the distinction between baselines and private workspaces

Lecture summary:

  • roll call and administratrivia
  • outline and goals of the course
  • what are the problems and goals of SCM
  • definition of SCM
  • process and perspectives
  • versioning concepts and principles
  • co-ordinating, working and sharing of information
  • traditional SCM

Quote of the day

... what the hell, let's call him Ramses, too ... (Ramses the 1st, inventor of versioning, at the birth of his son, 1784 BC).

Updated March 8, 2009