CM course page Computer Science LTH

Guidelines for paper presentations

One of the learning goals of this course is that you should be able to:
  • read a paper and make a presentation of its main points
Each group will get/choose four papers to present. It is not the intention that the group should understand all details of the paper. The group should have a good overview of the paper and make a presentation of what they find the most important/interesting aspects of the paper in a way that can serve as the starting point for a discussion of the paper. The questions to discuss are the responsibility of the opponents - and it is the reponsibility of all (students and professor) to try to answer/discuss the questions (and any questions raised by the presenting group).

Here is a list (under construction) of guidelines for presentations:

  • presentations should be in Italian (English only if you really insist)
  • presentations should be no longer than 15-20 minutes long - MAX!
  • you should state at least one learning goal for the presentation/paper
  • all group members should take part in the presentation
  • if you use PowerPoint (or similar) there should be a version with black text on white background (prints better)
  • I should have your presentation/notes no later than 24 hours before the presentation
  • I will guide you under the preparation - and give you feedback afterwards

Updated March 11, 2009