
Supervised Master's theses

Daniel Jigin, Oscar Gunnesson:
Using Already Existing Data to Answer Questions Asked During Software Change,
summary, report, May 2018.


During software development, questions arise that can't or are difficult to answer. Praqma AB has suggested that some of those questions can be answered by taking already existing data from software repositories and turn that into useful information. This thesis aims to identify those questions and explore how they can be answered using mining software repositories (MSR) and code analysis tools.
We present 57 different questions, categorizing 15 as impact analysis and 6 as technical debt. The questions combined with theories are then turned into tool requirements. CodeScene, an MSR tool, is investigated to find support for the requirements and explored to find new features that could be turned into new requirements. Lastly, we present an implementation of a proof-of-concept tool which implements the requirements from this thesis.
The studies showed that the tools could provide sufficient data to satisfy the requirements and present it in a suitable way.

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