CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Configuration Management - lecture 7a:

External presenter - SCM in real life

Peter Walls from Cybercom Sweden South AB
Peter has worked for Cybercom since 2006 as an expert in Software Configuration Management. He works as a consultant, helping customers with SCM issues as well as internal improvement projects and as a teacher for external CM courses.


  • Tom Milligan: Better Software Configuration Management Means Better Business.
    Read this paper and appreciate how you, as a soon-to-be CM expert, will be able to help a company prosper ;-)

Lecture summary

Peter will talk about what he typically does as a CM. His presentation is split into two parts. The first part is a basic overview of what Peter does in his day to day life as a CM. The second part illustrates a problem regarding CM handling of database scripts and the solution that was used. Finally, Peter will answer any questions regarding his presentation.
  • Presentation
  • Questions and Answers

Quote of the day

Why pay more for a climbing rope. If it breaks - we will give you a new one. (Ad in a British newspaper)

Updated November 28, 2007