CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Configuration Management - lecture 6a:

CM & OSS + CM & XP


  • Asklund & Bendix: A Study of Configuration Management for Open Source Software.
    Read the paper and make sure that you fully understand how OSS projects handle workspaces and the change management process.
  • Bendix and Ekman: Software Configuration Management in Agile Development.
    Read this paper and make sure that you understand how SCM should be carried out in an Agile context.

Lecture summary

  • CM for OSS
  • workspace management
  • change management
  • SCM for XP
  • SCM-related XP practices
  • SCM specific sub-practices

Quote of the day

Always remember: Writing software from requirements is like walking on water. It is much easier if it is frozen !!! (Anonymous)

Updated November 21, 2007