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Configuration Management - lecture 7a:

External presenter - CM in industry

Henrik Jönsson and Andreas Lundahl from Bombardier Transportation AB
Henrik has worked for Bombardier since 1996. He is the SCM Tool and Process Specialist in Hässleholm and he is also a Application Programmer and Designer for the engineering tools team.
Andreas has worked for Bombardier since 2001. He is the configuration manager for the generic interlocking product in Hässleholm.


  • Tom Milligan: Better Software Configuration Management Means Better Business.
    Read this paper and appreciate how you, as a soon-to-be CM expert, will be able to help a company prosper ;-)

Lecture summary

Henrik and Andreas will show you how SCM is used in Bombardier Transportation. They will present problems and challenges they see in their current use of SCM in Bombardier. They will guide you through the various SCM activities from a typical development project in Bombardier. They will also propose a couple of master thesis work in Bombardier.
  • Presentation
  • Questions and Answers

Quote of the day

Why pay more for a climbing rope. If it breaks - we will give you a new one. (Ad in a British newspaper)

Updated November 26, 2005