CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Configuration Management - lecture 6a:

CM & OSS + CM & XP


  • Asklund & Bendix: A Study of Configuration Management for Open Source Software.
    Read the paper and make sure that you fully understand how OSS projects handle workspaces and the change management process.
  • Asklund, Bendix and Ekman: Software Configuration Management Practices for eXtreme Programming Teams.
    Read this paper and make sure that you understand which parts of SCM are handled by XP practices and which parts are "left as exercises for the developers" (and therefore need explicit SCM sub-practices).

Lecture summary

  • CM for OSS
  • workspace management
  • change management
  • SCM for XP
  • SCM-related XP practices
  • SCM specific sub-practices

Quote of the day

Always remember: Writing software from requirements is like walking on water. It is much easier if it is frozen !!! (Anonymous)

Updated November 24, 2005