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Configuration Management - lecture 5b:

Status Accounting & Audit + CM plans & roles


  • Daniels, chapters 4 & 5.
    Read these two chapters. Make sure that you fully understand:
    • the goals of status accounting
    • what reports can be generated from status accounting
    • why and how audits are conducted
  • Leon, chapter 11.
    Read this chapter as background material for the exercises next week, where you have to produce parts of a CM-plan. Section 2.2 in Daniels also gave information about CM-plans.
  • Compton, chapter 3.
    Read this chapter to get a feel for the different roles and responsibilities connected with CM.

Lecture summary

  • Status accounting
  • Auditing
  • Integrated solutions
  • CM plans
  • CM roles

Quote of the day

CM-managers version of the beer song:
99 little bugs in the code,
99 little bugs in the code,
remove one bug - recompile and run
101 little bugs in the code....

Updated November 21, 2005