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Configuration Management - lecture 4a:

The library metaphor


  • Kelly, chapters 5 & 7.
    A CI is a Configuration Item (the formal definition is given in chapter 7).
    Read chapter 5 to get the context in which we treat the library. Pay attention to page 35 and try to figure out what it is I like about it.
    Study chapter 7 very carefully. Make sure that you fully understand:
    • the difference between what is and what is not a CI
    • the two-tier model - or is it three-tier?
  • Bendix & Vinter.
    You might want to go back to this paper and (re)read:
    • the library metaphor and theory

Lecture summary

  • CM levels
  • workshop background and purpose
  • the library, metaphor, principles and activities
  • examples
  • library structures
  • identification, preservation and history

Quote of the day

There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy. (Swift)
Der findes intet bestandigt, undtagen forandring. (Gräsk ordsprog)

Updated November 9, 2005