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The study metaphor - exercises week 3:

In the solutions you discuss you might want to refer to concepts and methods from the slides of yesterday's lecture or from the papers you read for today (or previous papers). Make sure also to capture "open" problems - problems for which you still do not know the proper solution (but might after the lecture on Thursday).

Imagine yourself in your own private room...

  • feel the inspiration
  • see the different things around you
  • you have collected everything you need
  • and you can get something done effectively
Relate this to your work on an assignment...

You sketch an idea in order to try it out. Afterwards the sketch is thrown away:

  • Where do you keep the sketch?
  • What happens if it is not thrown away?
  • How do you make sure that it is removed?
  • What rules of good conduct should be used?
Analyse for each activity in the model:
  • how do you perform this currently?
  • does this give you any problems?
  • how can you improve it?
Discus what workspace tools you anticipate would be useful for the different roles.

Which Study variants do you foresee can exist on software projects:

  • what value do they provide the individual person?
  • what do they bring to the project?
What rules of good conduct do you need?
  • quality of work
  • disturbances
  • clean-up
How will you track the artefacts in the study?
  • private/public versions
  • copies/back-ups
  • relation to the project artefacts

How do you maintain overview?

  • of the study and the system
  • mechanisms, tools, check lists
How do you ensure that imported artefacts are:
  • the ones you want
  • in the state you expect
  • and what about the artefacts you export

Updated November 3, 2005