CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Configuration Management - lecture 7b:

External presenter - CM in industry

Andreas Göransson from Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Andreas Göransson has worked with CM/Build Management for 4,5 years. He works in large software projects that is spread around the world. As the projects are growing and the products get more complex he is now involved in developing CM strategies.


  • Tom Milligan: Better Software Configuration Management Means Better Business.
    Read this paper and appreciate how you, as a soon-to-be CM expert, will be able to help a company prosper ;-)

Lecture summary

Andreas will give us an insight in the CM/integration/build management work in the large software projects at Sony Ericsson. He will also describe the challenges in large multi-site projects with a lot of different software variants. Finally, he will introduce a proposal for a master thesis work within variants and product families at Sony Ericsson.
  • Presentation
  • Questions and Answers

Quote of the day

Why pay more for a climbing rope. If it breaks - we will give you a new one. (Ad in a British newspaper)

Updated November 30, 2004