CM homepage Computer Science LTH


Final schedule

Please note! We will try to be on schedule, but might be delayed. So please wait outside the room until we are ready and come to invite you in.

Please note! We will not be in the "exercises-room" Monday.

Monday 13/12: room E:2405

  • 9.00-10.30: Group I-a
  • 10.30-11.45: Group I-b
  • 12.45-14.00: Group I-d
  • 14.00-15.30: Group II-b

Tuesday 14/12: room E:2116

  • 9.00-10.30: Group II-d
  • 10.30-11.45: Group I-f

Thursday 16/12: room E:2116

  • 9.00-10.15: Group II-a
  • 10.15-11.30: Group II-c
  • 13.00-14.15: Group II-f

Friday 17/12: room E:2116

  • 8.15- 9.45: Group II-g
  • 9.45-11.00: Group I-g
  • 11.00-11.50: Group I-c
  • 13.00-14.15: Group II-e
  • 14.15-15.45: Group I-e

Updated December 6, 2004