CM homepage Computer Science LTH

Prerequisite for the course

The prerequisite for following the course in Configuration Management is that you have passed either the course EDA260: "Programvaruutveckling i grupp - projekt". or the course EDA322: "Inledande programvaruteknik - projekt"

If you come from the E-programme you should have passed the course EDA027: "Algoritmer och datastrukturer" plus have some experience from working in a group.

If you come from the Faculty of Science (taking this course as DAT240) you should have passed either the course DAT132: "Objekt-orienterad modellering" or the course DAT113: "Programvaruproduktion".

If you are an exchange student (or an ad-hoc student) you can still follow the course. We are looking mainly for project (working in a group) and programming experience. You should contact the lecturer to know if you qualify.

Updated October 19, 2004