CM course page Computer Science LTH


There is only a limited number of places on the course and the course has been overbooked.

Students often book more courses than they actually will follow, so most probably some students will not show up for this course (what a pity for them;-). This means that there might be some empty slots that we can fill up.


If you have been accepted for the course

It is mandatory that all students who have been accepted for the course to show up at the first lecture to confirm that they are interested in following the course actively. If you do not show up at the first lecture you will loose your place on the course and we will put another student in your place.


If you have not been accepted - or did not register in time

We urge students who were not accepted or did not register in time for the course to show up for the first lecture. If there are any available places because of accepted students not showing up, these places will be given to students who registered, but were not accepted, and are present at the first lecture. Finally, if there are still available places they will be assigned to students who did not register for the course, but found out that they want to follow it anyway and show up for the first lecture.

In summary, if you show up for the first lecture you have the possibility of getting a wild card.

Updated October 19, 2004