CM homepage Computer Science LTH

During the course each group will have to present a paper. Below is a schedule for these presentations. ?-? indicates that we are still looking for a group to do that presentation.

Presentations are done by the following groups:

Lecture 2b (Thursday 6/11): I-d, II-d
Lecture 3b (Thursday 13/11): I-a, I-b
Lecture 4b (Thursday 20/11): II-a, II-f, II-g
Lecture 5a (Monday 24/11): II-e, II-c
Lecture 5b (Thursday 27/11): II-b, I-c
Lecture 6a (Monday 1/12): I-e
Lecture 6b (Thursday 4/12): I-g, I-f

Updated November 17, 2003