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Configuration Management - lecture 7b:

PhD dissertation defence

Note: the defence takes place in room E-1406 (next to the room where we have exercises) and will start at 14.15 o'clock precisely (and last about two hours).


  • none
    However, you might be interested in getting/reading Ulf's dissertation. You can get a paper copy from him - or get the pdf-file and print it out yourself (208 pages).

Lecture summary

Geoffrey Clemm has worked with CM for many years both at university and in industry. He is now with one of the big CM-tool vendors (ClearCase), where he is the chief architect.
Don't miss the opportunity to see this capacity perform live!
  • Geoffrey Clemm's presentation of Ulf's dissertation
    • distributed development
    • software configuration management
    • the UEVM (Unified Extensional Versioning Model)
    • COOP/Orm and the implementation of UEVM
  • Ulf's response
  • questions from the opponent (Geoffrey) to the dissertation
  • questions from the dissertation committee
  • questions from the audience? (to Ulf - not to Geoffrey;-)

Quote of the day

Why pay more for a climbing rope. If it breaks - we will give you a new one. (Ad in a British newspaper)

Updated December 4, 2002