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Configuration Management - lecture 5a:

Identification & Control


  • Daniels, chapters 2 & 3.
    Read these two chapters. In chapter 2, pay special attention to the change process and be sure that you completely understand the role and working of the CCB. In chapter 3, it is important that you understand how Daniels selects and structures CIs - you may want to compare that with Kelly's definitions from lecture 4a. Notice also his way of defining and using the concept "baseline".

Lecture summary

  • The change process
  • Configuration Items
  • Baselines


3 slides pr. page, 6 slides pr. page

Quote of the day

Vi holder ikke op med at lege, fordi vi bliver gamle.
Vi bliver gamle, fordi vi holder op med at lege. (Anonym)

Updated November 22, 2002